All guardrails shall be fastened to the deck / structural surface using manufacturer supplied hardware / anchors.ġ910.23(e)(3)(ii) For pipe railings, posts and top and intermediate railings shall be at least 1 1/2 inches nominal diameter with posts spaced not more than 8 feet on centers.ġ910.23(e)(3)(iv) The anchoring of posts and framing of members for railings of all types shall be of such construction that the completed structure shall be capable of withstanding a load of at least 200 pounds applied in any direction at any point on the top rail. Guardrails to be surface (horizontal) or framing (vertical) mounted to a structurally suitable surface. Corrosion resistant Suitable for even the harshest or most humid environments.
#Safety hand rails install
All rails will be 1 ¼”, 1 ½” or 2″ round or square tubing. Omega Industrial Safety carries and manufactures industrial safety hand rails and stairways designed to meet any adopted building codes for your facility. Quick installation Save time on installation: our rail system is easy to install and needs no welding or specialist tools. The chemistry will equal or exceed that of ASTM A500-Grade B requirements. The handrail shall fasten directly to the floor or platform framing to achieve maximum strength and rigidity. Handrails are to be assembled at the job-site and to be assembled as a mechanically fastened system. (Guarding floor and wall openings and holes sec. Simply Safer Handrails is a forward-thinking and cost-effective alternative to hiring scaffolding for Builders, Solar System Installers, Electricians, Plumbers.

They are a cost-effective alternative to traditional welded handrail systems. All railing shall have a minimum of a 4″ high kick plate where required by O.S.H.A. Safety Handrail Systems Industrial Use Applications Custom fabricated Safety Handrail systems to suit any project. Our high-quality safety railing solutions are constructed using slip-on pipe fittings and standard pipe.

Handrails will be a 42″ high, two-rail design and maintain a uniform clearance between rails and floor. – 1910.23 Guarding floor and wall openings and holes.